Wet-in-wet painting- @sokgedichten
Wet-on-wet painting
About letting go and wondering
Wet-on-wet painting is one of my favorite painting techniques. You work with thinned paint on wet therapeutenpapier† The nice thing about this technique is that you don't have to make anything at all. And yet this is one of the most difficult techniques. Why? Because you're on the paint have to vomit. You are going to create something without creating anything. So let go of that pressure and throw your feeling into your paintbrush. Letting go is one of the things you will definitely experience during wet-on-wet painting. What exactly are you going to let go of? The (unconscious) picture in your head, the urge to paint a 'perfect' line, all the thoughts that take you out of the here-and-now. In short, let yourself be amazed by how the colors mix with the paper and each other.
Do you also feel like getting started? This is what you need:
- painting board
- therapeutenpapier
- Stockmar watercolor paint (diluted with water)
- tassels
- viscose of nature sponge
- bowl of water
- dishcloth
A good start is half the work. Here's how you can prepare yourself properly:
lay it paper for you on the painting board. dip from sponge into the container with water and make sure it absorbs a lot of water. wring the sponge then a little off above it paper† Rub the water very gently with the sponge out about it paper† Put a tea towel on the wet paper and smooth it out gently with your hands. Finally you lift it paper gently up and turn it over. Now you can start painting. Let your work dry on the painting board, so it does not tear and does not lose color. While your work is drying, a lot of things still happen to the paint. So it's also nice to see how your artwork has changed every now and then.
Are you curious if and how you can do this with (young) children? This technique is also a real experience for children. There will certainly be some frustrations - with your child and with you - and that is allowed. The wonder and fantasy often help your child on his way again. We enjoyed making a DIY for wet-on-wet painting. In the video you can see how my daughter (2 years old) experiences the technique. Are you watching?
I want Lotte ( @sokgedichtenThank you so much for writing this wonderful blog. For more inspiration I would definitely take a look at her instagram page. - Melanie
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